“Mr. Obama is likely to signal he wants to move beyond
proposed Environmental Protection Agency rules on emissions from new power
plants and tackle existing coal-fired plants, people familiar with the
administration's plans said.
The EPA has prepared rules for existing plants to
minimize pollution from particulate matter, mercury and other toxins. But this
would be the first time the agency regulates existing plants to curb emissions
of the greenhouse gases scientists believe contribute to global warming.” - WSJ
So what problem are we trying to solve, Mr.
President? Is it to protect and defend
the earth from man or is it simply the next step in your administration’s
managed decline of America? It cannot be
the first, because engineering science does not support your prospective
actions. So it must be the second.
The Engineering Science Says
Man-made carbon is not the driver of global warming
(climate change). The sun is.
In the book Unstoppable Global Warming, by
Dr. Fred Singer, the history of climate science is presented. In it, Dr. Singer chronicles the discovery of
a 1500 year warming-cooling cycle (plus or minus 500 years) for at least a
million years. Discovered by Willi
Dansgaard of Denmark and Hans Oeschger of Switzerland, their analysis of oxygen
isotopes in the ice cores extracted from Greenland was first published in
1984. In 1996, they and Clyde Lorius
were awarded the Tyler Prize (the “environmental Nobel") for their work. They found a clear cycle occurring about
every 2,550 years, which was later clarified to be 1,500 years. The global heating and cooling cycle was
correlated to other physical evidence: (a) ice cores in the Antartic’s Vostok
Glacier, (b) advance and retreats of glaciers in the Arctic, Europe Asia, North
America, Latin America, New Zealand, and the Antartic, (c) seabed sediment
cores in the North Atlantic, Sargasso Sea, the South Atlantic, and the Arabian
Sea; (d) cave stalagmites from Ireland, Germany, South Africa, New Zealand; (e)
fossilized pollen; (f) tree rings, et cetera.
Statistical correlation of the warming-cooling cycle data to atmospheric
CO2 content shows that CO2 rise follows a warming trend. In other words, the
earth contains large amounts of CO2 in solution, much like carbonation in a
soda can which is driven out of solution when a chilled can of soda can is
opened and left on the counter.
Similarly, as the earth heats, CO2 is driven out of solution. Man’s
contribution to these huge cyclical changes is minimal (it is estimated that
man-made carbon represents 0.16% of all carbon). Last, these cycles have been
occurring for a million years … long before coal fired generation. So if man-made CO2 is the source of all our
ills, what caused that?
The Political Science Says
If the
engineering science suggests that man-made generation of carbon gases is an
immaterial contribution to global warming and climate change, what does the
political science say?
To misquote Al Gore, the “convenient truth” is that the
public’s irrational fear over climate change gives our progressive government a
reason to regulate energy production, the life blood of a free, productive
people. But why regulate it? If it is not because of the engineering
science, it is because of the political science.
Progressive ideology demands control. Control requires large government. Large government requires a lot of money and
a dependent population. Where do you
get a lot of money? You borrow it and
secure the loan against assets: the country’s oil, gas, and uranium natural
resources. So you tell the American
people the earth has a temperature. To secure the assets, you set aside “open
space” to mitigate the nasty carbon based technologies. You shut down
productive sources of energy for non- productive
sources of energy. You acquire large expanses of natural resources by
transferring private property rights through regulation and conservation
easements and converting large expanses of wilderness to protected habitats.
You do all this while telling the people that this property taking is necessary
to mitigate the effect of phantom man-made climate change. You continue to promise the American people
things they cannot afford until the system can no longer support itself.
You see, this is not about climate change. This is about whether we will remain a free
and independent people or a dependent, socialist state.