In case you have not had the time to evaluate the
mainstream media coverage given to the two gubernatorial candidates, the
following summarizes the coverage and identifies some concerns which have
received little or no coverage. Please read and then share with your friends,
as appropriate.
to Media Research Center from June 12 through August 31st:
“Although all the local newspapers have written negative ads
about both candidates for governor. Ninety-one (91) news stories and 61
editorials and columns mentioned or discussed Cuccinelli ethics, most
prominently questions surrounding belated disclosure from Jonnie
Williams. In contrast, 48 news stories and 27 opinion pieces talked about
McAuliffe’s ethical problems, most about Green Tech, which is currently under
federal investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Overall,
readers saw 152 stories about Cuccinelli’s ethics vs. 75 about McAuliffe, a
greater than two-to-one disparity… the Virginian-Pilot and Roanoke Times papers
dogged Cuccinelli on his ethics and seemed less interested in digging through
McAuliffe’s dirty laundry.”
Richmond Times Dispatch decided to wash its hands of the gubernatorial race and
not endorse either candidate. Newspapers have continually
printed more negative information about Cuccinelli then McAuliffe even though
McAuliffe’s scandal-ridden and questionable unethical past far exceeds Ken
Cuccinelli’s. Furthermore, McAuliffe’s background should have received
much more scrutiny and investigative reporting so that voters could make an
informed decision --- but that has not been done!
only has there been a lopsided barrage of ethical issues, it is the way the
newspapers labeled and put a spin on their reporting that borders on unethical,
based on their code of professional responsibility to their subscribers.
According to Media Research Center, "there were 26
‘conservative’ labels attached to Cuccinelli in news stories and editorials,
but not any of the four newspapers could even muster a single ‘liberal’ label
for McAuliffe even though McAuliffe is a Washington insider, a big spender, and
a scam artist. The democrat’s strategy was to claim that McAuliffe was in the
center and they were not going to use or employ the ‘liberal’ label and
reporters obliged -- even using mainstream and McAuliffe in the same
sentence. In contrast Cuccinelli was wrapped in one label after another
to deflect on McAuliffe's left-wing progressive and extreme
Democrats strategy playbook is to deny, delay, and distract and the newspapers
have worked together to mislead and manipulate the voter.
involving Ken Cuccinelli
involving Terry McAuliffe
following link is to Ken Cuccinelli’s web site where you will find numerous
articles on the issues that Mr. Cuccinelli has tried to bring to the voters,
but for the most part the newspapers have blocked his message.