Questioning the Case for Nationalized Education Reform
When my daughter was 5-years
old, she asked, “How do the trees flap their leaves to make the wind
blow?” She quickly learned that correlation does not mean cause, a lesson
the average American politician needs to learn when it comes to promoting the
public good, especially education.
Contemporary thinking –
that is to say Washington “group think” – promotes the notion that for America
to be competitive in the 21st century, the Federal Government and
the state (translation: “We” the taxpayers) need to heavily “invest”
(translation: spend) to “reform” (translation: re-forumulate) American
education. The most recent fad is “Common Core State Standards (CCSS),”
which sets the stage for removing control of education from the states,
creates a one-size fits all, nationalized American K-12 education system, and
will cost billions of dollars to implement.
The fundamental question
is: “will greater and greater investment in education drive prosperity in the
21st century or does prosperity create the demand for education?”
The two principal arguments by educational reform proponents are: (a) America’s children are ‘lagging’ behind international peers in terms of academic achievement and (b) the economic vibrancy and the future of the United States relies upon American students outranking their global peers on international tests of academic achievement. These arguments collapse upon examination of peer reviewed, empirical literature, according to Christopher Tienken, editor of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) Journal of Scholarship and Practice. Mr. Tienken suggests these are “bankrupt” arguments (Commentary, “AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice,” v. 7, No. 4, Winter 2011). Instead, he argues that other factors are more central to economic prosperity than education. For example, he states, “[China’s] continued manipulation of its currency … and iron fisted control of its labor pool, has a greater effect on our economic strength than if every American child scored at the top of every international test…” China’s undervaluation of its currency cost the U.S. almost 1 million jobs, over $200B in lost economic growth, and 1.5% of its Gross Domestic Product in 2010 (Washington Times 2010). In fact, G20 countries’ economic strength rely more on policy than education achievement.
To determine if doubling down
on education “reform and investment” is prudent, three fundamental questions
must be answered: (a) what factors do business leaders believe will drive 21st
century prosperity and to what extent does educational achievement play; (b)
how does American students’ educational achievement compare to international
peers’ performance; and (3) to what extent does education achievement correlate
with a country’s economic prosperity, much less cause it?
What Factors Drive Economic Prosperity?
According to a 2010 Global Chief Executive Study by IMB Corporation,
which surveyed 1,500 of the world’s leading corporate CEOs, the authors
identified four 21st century business Critical Success Factors
(CSFs): (a) creative leadership strategies; (b) global collaboration and
cooperation among companies and their customer bases; (c) proposal, product,
and service differentiation that flows from operational dexterity; (d) use of
complexity to a strategic advantage.
Education is not directly
identified by the 1,500 CEOs as a critical success factor. While one may
argue that education is an underlying condition for success (even a necessary
condition), it is clear from this list that education is not a sufficient
condition. Clearly other factors, such as collaboration, cooperation,
operational dexterity, are at play and the extent to which they interrelate is
open for debate. More important, it is unclear if prosperity drives the
market for education or the education market drives prosperity. Which
came first, the chicken or the egg?
How does American Education
Performance Compare to its Global Peers?
With respect to
standardized international tests, the United States had the greatest number of
15 year old students score at the highest levels on the global triennial 2006
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) science test (OECD,
2008). The United States had approximately two-times the number of 15 year-old
students who scored at the top levels of the 2006 PISA science test compared to
Japan. The United States accounted for 25% of the top scoring students in
the world on the test, even though the United States did not outrank Japan
Over 70% of recent U.S. high
school graduates were enrolled in colleges and universities in 2009 (Bureau of
Labor Statistics, 2010). Approximately 30% of U.S. adults between the
ages of 25-34 years old hold at least a Bachelor’s degree. Only six other
industrialized nations have a higher percentage of their population holding at
least a Bachelor’s degree (OECD, 2009) but their economies pale in comparison
to the United States.
The 2010 World Economic Forum
stated that the United States has an outstanding university system. Eleven
of the top 15 universities in the world are located here. The United
Kingdom is next with three out of the top 15 (The Times Higher Education,
2010). It is illogical that a country with the best university system in
the world would have a failing elementary and secondary education system that
requires “fundamental” transformation.
Does Educational Achievement
Correlate to Economic Prosperity?
The United States ranked either
first or second out of 139 nations on the 2010 World Economic Forum’s Global
Competitiveness Index (GCI), eight of the 10 years, between 2000 and 2009, and
never ranked below sixth place during that period. No other country
matches this record.
The US workforce is one of the
most productive in the world. Representing approximately five-percent of
the world’s population, the U.S. produces 20% of the world’s Gross Domestic
Product. According the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, (2010) the
United States is home to more than 28% of the resident patents granted
globally, the largest percentage of any country. Japan is second with
Correlations between student
international test rankings and economic strength can be statistically
significant and moderately strong when all the small or weak economies like
Poland, Hungary, and the Slovak Republic are included in a sample with G20
countries. For example, if 18 countries are included in the
sample, with weak or collapsing economies and whose students have test scores
above those of the United States, positive relationship can be shown between
test scores and economic growth. (Tienken, 2008). In other words, by using a
sample selection that compares academic achievement without any consideration
for differences in economic size, is an apples-to-oranges comparison.
Conversely, if the sample
includes only the G14 or G20 countries, the relationship between international
test rank and economic strength can be non-existent or even negative.
Japan provides an example of this phenomenon. Japan’s stock market closed
at a high of 38,915 points on December 31, 1989. On October 15, 2010 it
closed at 9,500, or approximately 75% lower. In contrast, Japan has
consistently ranked in the Top 10 on international mathematics tests since the
1980s and has always ranked higher than the United States on these tests.
Japan’s economy and stock market have been in shambles for two decades.
Yet, Japan has had national curriculum standards and testing for more than 30
years and consistently outranks most other nations on international math and
science tests.
Compare the United States
performance over roughly the same period. The Dow Jones Industrial
Average rose above 1,200 points for the first time on April 26, 1983, the day
“A Nation at Risk (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983) was
released. On January 4, 2011, the DJIA closed at 11,691 – a ten-fold
increase. The United States consistently outranks Japan on the World
Economic Forum’s Growth Competitiveness Index. Nations like Canada,
Australia, Germany, and Switzerland have strong economies, consistently rank
higher than the United States on international tests, and do not have a
mandated, standardized set of national curriculum standards.
It is clear from this analysis
that something other than academic achievement drives prosperity. A good
working hypothesis is that strong moral values, fiscal responsibility, work
ethic, constitutional freedoms, dedication to the rule of law, and limited
regulation created a culture of entrepreneurship created prosperity, not the
United States’ rankings on international math and science tests. As
America prospered, knowledge grew, and so did the market that served it.
In support of this hypothesis,
one only need consult history. Up until the founding of the American
republic, economies were principally agrarian. Subsequent to the
founding, technological innovation and prosperity exploded, especially in
America. My grandmother, born in the 1890s, started her life living
on a farm in the country, riding a horse-drawn wagon 20 miles to town, four
times per year. She lived to own a home in the city, with all its
conveniences, and to see America put a man on the moon. Americans in her
generation were fortunate if they completed high school. Yet that
generation’s grit, determination, perseverance, and core values were the
forbearers of the Greatest Generation. This generation lived through a
depression, won World War II and Korea, put a man on the moon, and left the
Baby Boom generation a dominate American economy. Ten percent or less of the
Greatest Generation attended college.
Today, 75% of those graduating high-school
attend college, yet unemployment of young adults in the 20 to 24 year old range
is 11.9 percent. The solution is not doubling down on our investment in
education. The solution is doubling down on those principles that gave us
prosperity in the first place.