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Saturday, June 9, 2012

You Decide VA 2012: GOP Primary for US Senate

On July 12, 2012, the GOP will select its candidate for US Senate.  This candidate will run against Democrat Tim Kaine in the general election in November. The purpose of this post is: (1) to remind you to vote on June 12 and (2) to consider casting your ballot for EW Jackson to be the GOP candidate in November (  Links to relevant videos appear at the end of this post. 
My Thinking …

Many of the GOP faithful may be supporting Governor Allen, the GOP favorite.  I voted for Governor Allen for governor and for Senator – twice.  That said, I believe it is time to draw a sharp distinction between the GOP candidate and the Democrat candidate.  In my opinion, Gov. Allen’s record does not provide that sharp contrast.  In many instances, his record is easily confused with Tim Kaine's.  In fact, if he had not stumbled in his senate re-election campaign in 2006, we would have had one more vote in the US Senate, which in hindsight would have made a tremendous difference.
So, if you believe we need a different choice and are for smaller, constitutionally-limited government; fiscal responsibility; and individual responsibility and accountability, you have one of three choices: EW Jackson, Jamie Radtke, or Bob Marshall.   The following are my reasons for supporting EW Jackson.

Reason 1 to Vote on June 12, 2012 for EW Jackson for US Senate: He is inspiring.
After the Virginia Beach GOP 2nd District Mass Meeting, a Radtke supporter told me after the meeting that she had been organizing for Ms. Radtke for a while but after hearing Bishop Jackson, she was going to support him. In fact the quote was, “This is America, I guess I can change my mind.” Inspiration is just as important and sometimes more important than perspiration. During the second Senatorial debate, I deliberately watched the reaction of the crowd around me. The response to Jackson was palpable, even though the liberal media (read: not the GOP’s friends) made the story about Ms. Radtke’s attack on Gov. Allen. The media loves nothing better than dividing the party and playing the GOP against itself. Now the real story is this: many people who outwardly support Allen, will support Bishop Jackson in the voting booth. I see the response in every crowd he speaks to. People respond to leadership.

Reason 2 to Vote on June 12, 2012 for EW Jackson for GOP candidate for US Senate: He is experienced.
Jackson is 60 years old, has practiced law for 15 years representing small business interests, ran a Christian Gospel radio station for a number of years in Boston, MA (my understanding is the only one of its type at the time). At the radio station, he fought the FCC for two years (in Washington DC) to get a license for the station because the other stations in Boston did not want him to have the bandwidth (not “good public use”). These negotiating and legal skills demonstrate a level of political competency and persistence in the face of federal bureaucracy. As a practicing minister, he takes these skills and competency a step further: he must appeal to people on an ideological level and depend on their voluntary financial support to make a living. Again, demonstrating the critical political skills of listening, communicating, and leading in a way that changes lives.
Reason 3 to Vote on June 12, 2012 for EW Jackson for GOP candidate for US Senate: He is the ONLY Veteran in the race.

Very important to me is the fact that Bishop Jackson is the ONLY veteran in this race. Unlike his opponents, Jackson wore the uniform and actually has held a position where he swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. American servicemen are the true 1%. Every skill you learn in the military is 100% transferrable to being an effective leader. By stating this, I do not question anyone’s patriotism or ability to lead. But as a former Navy submarine officer, I know from experience that when you are 26 years old you have a different view of the world looking at it through a periscope in a hostile part of the world. This is a key criteria for me.

Reason 4 to Vote on June 12, 2012 for EW Jackson for GOP candidate for US Senate: He has successfully owned and operated for-profit and non-profit small businesses.
Others in the race claim to have small business experience. I suspect, they claim this on the basis of a consulting business they either run or have run, with few or no staff. As a small business person in Boston, Bishop Jackson managed a staff and had to make payroll every week. He currently operates a not-for profit, STAND ( ).
Reason 5 to Vote on June 12, 2012 for EW Jackson for GOP candidate for US Senate: He is a strict Constitutionalist. #va #hrva #rpv #RPofVB #jackson4va

Bishop Jackson is Summa Cum Laude (Phi Beta Kappa) graduate of the University of Massachusetts and a Harvard Law School Graduate. He practiced law for 15 years. He is well versed in the Constitution and its foundational principles. He speaks to it all the time in his speeches and runs a not for profit (STAND) that emphasizes these principles. He was recently recognized for his knowledge of the Constitution by the American Patriot’s Committee ( that certifies such things. I might add, he was one of three people in Virginia running for federal office who was so recognized.
Reason 6 to Vote on June 12, 2012 for EW Jackson for GOP candidate for US Senate: He brings a full and compelling personal story to the race.

Because Bishop Jackson’s age, his education, his heritage, and his personal life experience in successfully applying conservative principles to a world divided by race, gender, socio-economic class, etc., he can certainly represent the GOP to moderate democrats and independents as well, if not better, than any of the other candidates may hope to. He will not be a Senator for the next thirty years: his motivation to take action is driven by conviction and and not by the next election cycle. He has a limited time to accomplish his objective and will be measured based on his success.
Reason 7 to Vote on June 12, 2012 for EW Jackson for GOP candidate for US Senate: He is a Washington outsider.

Gov. Allen has experience, much of which will be used by Tim Kaine against him. Ms. Radtke cites experience as an aide to Sen. Jesse Helms on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In many instances Gov. Allen voted like a Democrat and up until the 1970s Sen. Helms was a Democrat. Does anyone think Kaine will not use this? Personally, I and most of the people I have talked to working the polls over the last two years would prefer a total Washington outsider, whom a moderate democrat or independent will relate to on a personal – not a corporate experience – level. If you want corporate experience, Gov. Allen fits that bill.
Reason 8 to Vote for EW Jackson for GOP US Senate Candidate. It has been 30 years since Hampton Roads has been represented in the US Senate.

Vote Jackson June 12! It has been 30 years since Hampton Roads was represented by a Senator in the United States Senate (Sen. Paul Tribble (R-VA)) . With a Governor , a Congressman , a Senator, and a strong Republican state delegation from Hampton Roads, we will be a strong position to be heard in Washington!

 Video Links

· (YouTube - Message to Small Business Owners)
· (YouTube - Message to Pastors)
· (YouTube - Message to Veterans)
·   (YouTube - Debate Closing)

Remember ...

"You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts," Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

"Against public stupidity, the gods themselves are powerless." Schiller.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, 1984

"Statistics are no substitute for judgement," Henry Clay

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money," Margaret Thatcher