The choices before us are clear. Do you believe our inherent individual rights come from God and are to be protected by the government, or do you believe they come from the government? Do you believe in the rule of law and that the government can exercise only those specific powers granted it by Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution? The record shows that our current President does not.
In a 2001 WBEZ.FM Chicago Public radio interview, when Mr. Obama -- then an Illinois State Senator – said this “… the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of the redistribution of wealth and the more basic issue of political and economic justice in this society. … The Warren Court … did not break free of the essential constraints placed by the founding fathers in the constitution.” President Obama concludes, “Generally, the constitution is interpreted as a charter of negative liberties, says what the states can’t do to you, says what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the state government or the federal government must do on your behalf.”
Taken in its in entirety, the WBEZ interview reveals a President who sees himself and his “coalitions of power” as the mechanism to bring about “fundamental change” to America rather than working through Congress and the Constitution. The President’s thinking is foreign to me and seems to me to be an abrogation of the constitutional “contract” between the federal government, the states, and most importantly the citizens of the United States.
When historians look back on this election, they will see it as a point of strategic inflection in America’s history: did we meet the challenge and remain a constitutional republic or did we succumb to the socialists’ siren call? I do not know, because I do not hold the future; only God does. But I do know I have a vote, and I know how I will cast it.
Who and what will you choose?
Vote November 6th.