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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where is Obama’s Aunt?

In late November, 2008, I contacted by elected representatives concerning the illegal immigration status of President Obama’s Aunt Zeituni Onyango. The content of my communication was:

“In a local newspaper article (The Virginian Pilot), it was reported that president-elect Barack Obama's aunt (Aunt Zeituni Onyango) has been in this country for 4 years illegally. She violated a deportation order and has taken up residence in subsidized housing in Boston. Because this is a country that is based on the rule of law, I respectfully request that you notify the appropriate authorities of her status, and have her deported immediately. I look forward to your positive response to my request. I will expect a follow-up from you within 30 days. If I do not hear from you, I will report this to my local newspaper as well as the 200 people I reach through my blog. I will have them direct their concerns to your office.

“I realize that, as democrats, this places you in a tough spot, since Aunt Zeituni is a close relative of the president-elect. However, a price exists for doing the right thing.”

Well … surprise, surprise … my elected senators, Jim Webb and Mark Warner, did not respond, so I am moving to plan “B.” If you are a Virginian and wish to contact your senators, you may reach them electronically through You may have to fax Mr. Warner. He is our former governor and was elected, in part, because of his experience as a high-tech, IT executive. Unfortunately, he does not have an e-mail address, as of this writing. You will have to contact him by fax or snail mail. Perhaps that is why he has not responded. Apparently he is too busy to communicate with his constituents, and instead is voting for a stimulus package to build infrastructure for everyone else but those who are in charge of spending the peoples’ money.

If you are not from Virginia, I urge you to contact your representatives directly and ask them to simply enforce the law. Unfortunately in America today, we do not recognize laws anymore unless they seem to be ones that fit our political agenda.

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Remember ...

"You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts," Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

"Against public stupidity, the gods themselves are powerless." Schiller.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, 1984

"Statistics are no substitute for judgement," Henry Clay

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money," Margaret Thatcher