More problematic is the fact this is not just a single event: it is a trend. The Obama administration owns the record for the largest deficits in the history of the United States: $1.416T (2009, the largest); $1.298T (2011, 2nd largest); $1.294T (2010, 3rd largest). While warning of the dangers of deficit spending and promising to cut our deficit in half during his first term (the deficit was $458B in 2008), the President has in fact almost tripled that number.
Since 2008, the Obama administration added almost $5T in debt (viz., accumulated deficits). This increase, over a period of 3 years, is approximately equal to 50% of the US Debt that was held by the treasury when the President entered office. Think about that: it took the country from 1789 to 2008 to accumulate $10T in debt. It took the President 3 years to increase it to $15T.
To make the point, refer to the following graphic, which illustrates the administration’s profligate spending in terms the average American can understand: a household budget.
If the government were a household, it would be earning $23,000 per year but spending $36,000 per year. The $13,000 shortfall (deficit) would be put on the household credit card, which already carries a balance of $150,000. Current annual credit card interest payments are $2,500 and will grow as the balance grows and interest rates go up.
Any person who runs a household knows this financial situation is unsustainable. So why does the President continue to “invest” (e.g., spend) even when he has stated that “we will not and cannot sustain deficits like this without end?” I do not know. Perhaps this is answer we should demand from him after he is defeated at the ballot box on November 6th.
Vote November 6th.